Unlike many “ analog ” analog plug-ins and compressors that simply recreate analog and analog pressure curves, VMR prepares all the nuances of circuit paths and recreates all the fundamental harmonics, saturation, phase, and interaction that give the units their brand tone. The Slate Digital VMR package opens with the dedicated channel by default Whenever this app is launched, the Dream Strip always loads to the far left first, then you can immediately start mixing with the units you use first. With this app, it is very easy to clone the entire signal chain to compare all you have to do is press the right arrow and everything that is currently on path A will be copied to path B. FG-S is digital entertainment for one of the most famous British console equations since the 1980s. Every time this app starts, Dream Strip always loads on the far left first, then you can immediately start mixing with the units you use first. The ML-1 microphone is the heart of the virtual microphone system This large diaphragm microphone includes a 6 micron shock-mounted capsule sprayed with gold and a state-of-the-art FET circuit that guarantees the most linear, flattest and cleanest response to a “blank screen”. The All Access Pass includes all of the award-winning Slate plugins worth thousands of dollars.